

The Drums - Let's go surfing
Wake up, it's a beautiful morning
Honey, while the stars are still shining
Wake up, would you like to go with me
Honey, take a run down to the beach

When you opened Instagram yesterday, you probably saw a lot of cheerful pictures popping up. At least here in Holland: healthy vegan salads laughed at us; glasses of white wine -with moisture drops all over- made us definitely jealous and naked manicured feet felt finally free to show their newest colors. I like these kind of pictures: people who enjoy the little things in life. When the sun shines, I become a very happy person. We all need sun, because a lot of people have a lack of vitamin D. And that's really not good. For nobody. When there is sun -even when it's winter- go outside! Fifteen minutes of sun per day works miracles. Now we are talking about sun and pictures, I have to show you the ones I made yesterday. On the beach. In the sun. With a good cup of coffee and some coconut water on the side. Keep smiling, be happy, because life is way too short to spend another day at war with yourself. Amen.

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